Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Coven and Coffin Blog Hop Day 4

A Halloween Throwback with Daniel Leland

The Coven and Coffin Blog Hop is in full swing now. Stay tuned for daily for a new character costume from the main characters of our books. Each blog in the hop has a special treat in store for you from ghost stories, to recipes, and even a murder mystery! Oh, and did I mention an awesome giveaway full of prizes?

Day four of our Halloween party bring's us Daniel Leland out of MR Graham's Lost Knowledge series and this is what he had to say about dressing up:

Daniel Leland is a startlingly old-fashioned gentleman who rarely lets on that he has either a sense of humor or a sense of fun, if he can at all help it. He does not believe in dressing up for Halloween, but when coerced, has been known to break out a suspiciously authentic evening ensemble of the 1870s, including spats, waistcoat and tails, cravat, and meticulously brushed silk top hat. He claims to find it comfortable and insists that if one has a ready outfit sitting around, there is no point in purchasing something new. He refuses to say why, exactly, he keeps a silk top hat sitting around, but those who know him well can take a decent guess. He does not appreciate insinuations that he in any way resembles Bela Lugosi or Grandpa from The Munsters. Daniel's story, or parts thereof, can be found within the first two volumes of:

The Books of Lost Knowledge

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Truly, there are more things in heaven and earth… For instance, a dark and subtle world of magic, hidden just below the surface of reality. Lost Knowledge is a series of novels – two complete, many in progress – that centers on the reality of the things mankind has chosen to forget. There is beauty in the mist between the sea and the land, and dark things exist in the dim chasms of memory. Learn more at the Lost Knowledge website, or buy now here.

About MR Graham


MR Graham is a native Texan who traces strong cultural roots back to Scotland, Poland, and England. A mild-mannered Latin teacher during the day, Graham transforms at night into a raging Holmesian loremaster and rabid novelist. Though passionate about all scholarship and academia, Graham’s training and true love lies with anthropology, particularly the archaeological branch.

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Don't forget to check out all the other blogs
And check back daily for each post.

Jessica Fortunato, Author of The Sin Collector Series
Noree Cosper, Author of A Prescription for Delirium
Peter Dawes, Author of the Vampire Flynn Series
Kayla Curry, Author of The Mystic Stones Series
M.R. Graham, Author of The Wailing, 
In The Shadow of The Mountains, 
The Truth of the Matter and Proof

And now the promised Giveaways!

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